Tuesday 15 June 2021 to Sunday 27 June 2021
Online Teacher Community platform

This Online Summer School has been organised by the British Council and the U.S. Embassy’s Regional English Language Office (U.S. RELO) with support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Kazakhstan Teachers of English Association. 

The Summer School will be delivered through the British Council Online Teacher Community platform and will cover the following topics:

  • Planning and delivering blended and online English lessons
  • Ideas for improving learners’ language skills including developing speaking skills via online platforms
  • Using self-access and supplementary materials to accelerate learners’ language learning progress
  • Switching from face to face to online lessons and back again when circumstances require (for example, if there is another lockdown)
  • Blended and online approaches to testing learners’ English 

The School will also look at teacher well-being and why it is important to maintain your own mental and physical health during the school year, particularly during lockdowns and other emergency situations.

The Summer School will be organised as follows: 

  • Training will be delivered jointly by the British Council and the US RELO via the British Council’s Online Teacher Community platform. 
  • Participants will be organised in groups of 25. Each group will receive 20 hours of synchronous training delivered over two weeks (Monday to Friday).10 hours will be delivered by the British Council trainer and 10 hours will be delivered by the US RELO trainer.  
  • In week 1 (26 – 30 July) two groups will receive training delivered by the British Council trainer and 2 will receive training delivered by the US trainer. In week 2 (02 – 06 August) the two groups that received training delivered by the British Council trainer in week 1 will receive training from the US trainer and the two groups that received training from the US trainer will receive training from the British Council trainer. In addition, each group will receive six hours of two self-access British Council Teaching for Success modules and 10 hours of asynchronous interactions through active use of forums to discuss key points addressed in the summer school programme. 
  • Teachers will be expected to attend all training and complete all self-access learning.
  • Sessions will take place at 12:00-14:00 and 14:30-16:30 Nur-Sultan time, depending on a group. The group will be confirmed with each participant selected for the Summer School. 

The number of places available in the Summer School is limited to 100 teachers, so please make sure that you register as early as possible. In addition, there will be a pre-school introductory session involving all participants on 23 July and a wrap up session after training finishes on 06 August.

All sessions will be recorded and made available on the Online Teacher Community at the end of the Summer School. Certificates will be provided for attending a total of 36 hours of professional development over the summer school programme, comprising 20 hours of live synchronous training, completion of two self-access Teaching for Success modules and taking part in asynchronous professional development training. 

To apply to attend the Summer School, please go to:

The deadline for applications is 27 June 2021.

Summer School Timetable

Webinar Date Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4
UK trainer UK trainer US trainer US trainer
Webinar 1 26/07/2021 12.00-14.00 14.30-16.30 12.00-14.00 14.30-16.30
Webinar 2 27/07/2021 12.00-14.00 14.30-16.30 12.00-14.00 14.30-16.30
Webinar 3 28/07/2021 12.00-14.00 14.30-16.30 12.00-14.00 14.30-16.30
Webinar 4 29/07/2021 12.00-14.00 14.30-16.30 12.00-14.00 14.30-16.30
Webinar 5 30/07/2021 12.00-14.00 14.30-16.30 12.00-14.00 14.30-16.30
Webinar Date Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4
US trainer US trainer UK trainer UK trainer
Webinar 6 02/08/2021 12.00-14.00 14.30-16.30 12.00-14.00 14.30-16.30
Webinar 7 03/08/2021 12.00-14.00 14.30-16.30 12.00-14.00 14.30-16.30
Webinar 8 04/08/2021 12.00-14.00 14.30-16.30 12.00-14.00 14.30-16.30
Webinar 9 05/08/2021 12.00-14.00 14.30-16.30 12.00-14.00 14.30-16.30
Webinar 10 06/08/2021 12.00-14.00 14.30-16.30 12.00-14.00 14.30-16.30