The Dialogue Platform was a series of forums designed to develop and model a genuinely participative approach to local policymaking and bring together civil society organisations, local authorities and the private sector.

The forums enabled policy and decision-makers to engage on a regular basis with civil society leaders and social, tech and creative entrepreneurs around themes relating to the project objectives. The forums grew an active network of civil society, public and private practitioners, foster long-term engagement between those who participated, created a community capable of making a concerted, informed input into policy-making and act as a resource for the larger local government, civil society and entrepreneur sectors in Almaty.

Photos and the detailed information about the previous forums are given below:


Forum #1: Promoting a Culture of Civic Engagement in the Development of Almaty

The British Council, in partnership with Kazakh British Technical University (KBTU), the Almaty Development Centre (ADC) and the Akimat of Almaty, hosted a one-day WeAlmaty Forum on 22 September 2017 at KBTU.

The forum is part of the three-year WeAlmaty project aimed to advance dialogue between the government, non-government organisations and civil society to form “a city of active citizens” through targeted development of civil society.

The project is funded by the European Union.


To learn more about this forum, please feel free to download the programme and see the list of speakers.

Forum #2: Creating a “Green Corridor” in Almaty

The British Council, in partnership with Kazakh British Technical University (KBTU), the Almaty Development Centre (ADC) and the Akimat of Almaty, hosted a one-day WeAlmaty Forum on 30 November 2017 at Transforma Space.

The forum is part of the three-year WeAlmaty project aimed to advance dialogue between the government, non-government organisations and civil society to form “a city of active citizens” through targeted development of civil society.

The project is funded by the European Union.


To learn more about this forum, please feel free to download the programme and discussion protocol. 

Forum #3: Creating a Smart City: Effective Solutions, Stakeholder and Citizen Engagement

On 15 February the British Council, Kazakh-British Technical University, Almaty Development Centre, Almaty Akimat Urban Forum Almaty hosted a Forum dedicated to Creating a Smart City: Effective Solutions, Stakeholder and Citizen Engagement.

The Forum is part of the three-year WeAlmaty project, which aims to build dialogue between policymakers, NGOs and civic activists to help Almaty develop into a modern, comfortable international city. The project is funded by the European Union.


To learn more about this forum, please feel free to download the programme and the post-release

You can also read the Participation of the civil society in the implementation of the "Smart city" programme in Russian.

Forum #4: Developing a concept of Masterplan for Almaty

The British Council, Akimat of Almaty, Almaty Development Center and Kazakh-British Technical University conducted the Fourth Forum of the WeAlmaty project dedicated to the development of the Master Plan of Almaty on 26 April 2018.  

The objective of the forum: to set forth the main directions of the city’s development and ensure that citizens’ opinions are taken into account in the Master Plan concept.

Download the programme here.

Forum #5: "Role of creative hubs in the creation of the urban environment. Placemaking".

On the 21 July 2018 The British Council, Akimat of Almaty, Almaty Development Center and Kazakh-British Technical University conducted the Fifth Forum of the WeAlmaty project "Role of creative hubs in the creation of the urban environment. Placemaking". 

The objective of the forum: to discuss how the development of the creative economy in the city of Almaty can affect the creation of successful city spaces and determine conditions required for that. 

Download the programme here.

Forum #6: “Strategy for Development of Almaty City Transport System”

The British Council, Akimat of Almaty, Almaty Development Center and Kazakh-British Technical University held the Fourth Forum of the WeAlmaty project dedicated to the development of Almaty City Transport System on 20 October 2018.  

Purpose: To define the main directions of the Almaty city transport system development strategy.

Download the programme here.

Forum #7: “Identity and tourist brand of Almaty”

Venue: Tourist hub of Almaty (Palace of Sports named after B. Sholak, Abay st. 44, entrance from Baitursynov st.).

Thursday, 24 January 2019

Who are Almaty residents? What is the city of Almaty?

How to comprehend the identity of the city and present it in such a way as to interest the tourist?

How to promote Almaty branding and make it popular?

The final outcome of the forum: create a working group to promote the tourism brand of Almaty.

Forum #8: "Almaty - a city for children"

Objective: Drawing of attention of the key stakeholders and the public to the topic of friendliness of the urban environment to children and teenagers. Discussion of the possibility of joining Almaty city to the “Child-Friendly City” initiative, including the key aspects of this initiative in the political priorities of the further city development strategy

Main topics: Creating a comfortable and safe urban environment for children and teenagers. Tools for the participation of children and teenagers in the development, adoption and implementation of decisions on the city development.

Date: February 26, 2019

Time: 10.00 - 16.30

Venue: Q-Lab Urban Project Laboratory 122 Aimanov street)

Moderator: Leila Makhmudova 

Download the programme. 

Forum #9: “Almaty - accessible and inclusive city”

Objective: To draw the attention of key stakeholders and the public to the topic of accessibility of urban environment and inclusion issues, including the physical infrastructure of the city, relationships between people and ethics and culture of citizens when interacting with people with special needs.

Result: the creation of a city-wide working group on accessibility and inclusion of the city of Almaty

Date: April 30, 2019

Time: 13.00 - 18.00

Venue: Novotel Hotel, 104a Dostyk str.

Download the programme. 

«WeAlmaty on a visit to Nur-Sultan» Conference

12 September 2019, Astana International Campus will host the conference “WeAlmaty” visits Nur-Sultan.  

The event will be attended by representatives of the government agencies and business, also, by civic activists and social entrepreneurs. Over the course of the conference, the participants will learn about projects under successful implementation in Almaty, Nur-Sultan and about the guidelines for resident engagement in the development of cities. Additionally, the conference participants will study real problem cases for Nur-Sultan and will work out practical recommendations. 

Aim: Exchange of experience between Almaty and Nur-Sultan on involving citizens in the development of the city and transfer of experience of the “WeAlmaty” project to citizens and Akimat (city council) of Nur-Sultan. 

Date: 12 September 2019

Time: 09:30 – 17:00

Venue: Astana International Campus, Bureau of Continuing Professional Development (BCPD Ltd.), 55/23 Mangilik El Ave.

Download the programme. 


«WeAlmaty on a visit to Shymkent» Conference

Purpose of the event: Exchange of experience Almaty and Shymkent on involving the citizens in the development of the city and disseminating  the experience of the “We Almaty” project to the citizens and the akimat of  city Shymkent.

Attracting the attention of key stakeholders and the public of the city of Shymkent on the theme of creating “Cities of active citizens”.

Date: November 20, 2019

Time: 09.30 - 17.30

Venue: Grand Ballroom, Rixos Khadisha Shymkent

Download the programme. 

Closing Festival

Purpose of the event:
• To summarize and officially close the “WeAlmaty” project
• To emphasize the contribution of each citizen to the city development
• To create a platform for urban communities communication Business and government
Date: 29 February 2020
Time: 12:00–18:00
Location: Laboratory of city initiatives Q-lab