Creative Producers, image

Creative Producers Programme is British Council’s exciting professional development opportunity for producers across Wider Europe: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Turkey, Ukraine, Uzbekistan and Western Balkans who will collaborate with a renowned production agency Curated Place  (UK) to develop skills and expand networks.

This programme is designed to broaden and promote the profession of Creative Production internationally by supporting new projects, teams, and creative economies to deliver more ambitious and daring creative projects.  

We encourage creative producers to experiment and work across artforms, so do not miss this unique chance to challenge yourself and apply to the programme!

The workshops are designed to take an international cohort through creating a project and idea, clearly communicating its essence, and exploring practical delivery considerations around where, when, and how it will come to life and crucially who it is for. The aim of the programme is to create a sustainable and inspired creative sector community rooted locally but connected internationally who understand all aspects of creative production from creative vision and technical challenges through to budgets, logistics and audiences. 

You can find out more about the previous years of the programme and creative producers’ projects here.

Programme stages

The program will consist of several stages: 

  • One-week online workshop from 15 to 19 January 2024 with tutors from Curated Place, 
  • One-week offline workshop from 4 to 8 March 2024 in Albania, 
  • Partial financial support and networking opportunities in the UK for selected participants will be available following successful completion of the programme

Who can apply?

  • Creative Producers are widely perceived as the driving force in a creative project that bring forth practical logistics and creative processes in artistic and cultural events, exhibitions, festivals, and projects.  
  • We welcome representatives of diverse artistic backgrounds, including independent producers and creatives, art managers and administrators of cultural venues, artists, curators, festival organisers, theatre critics and playwrights, directors, dancers, musicians, and others with experience of setting up cultural projects, and with the desire to develop professional skills in creative production and connect with international peers. 

Please note While creative producers may work in both music and film music production, film production techniques will not be covered in this programme nor is the course tailored to professional development in the career structures of the industrialised Film and Music sectors.  

Prospective applicants must:  

  • Be 18 years old or above 
  • Have 3 to 5 years of experience in creating a new work from the ground up  
  • Generate a unique idea or concept for a project that relates to cultural and creative sectors with the aim of making a difference in the field 
  • Consider sustainability and dissemination strategy when planning the project proposal 
  • Consider engaging with the UK cultural sector 

Terms and Conditions

The programme will take place online and offline and participants are required to: 

  • Commit to all stages of the programme (see Key Dates below) 
  • Have a good command of English (level B2 on the CEFR scale) 
  • Allocate 5 full days in one week for the online training 
  • Allocate time for homework  
  • Participate in interviews and/or blogs to share the experience of the programme 
  • Credit the programme and partners in any future showing of project idea 
  • Be open to collaboration and co-production with programme participants 
  • Successful applicants may be invited to take part in additional showcase opportunities and British Council alumni programmes in the future. 
  • Successful applicants will be required to keep in regular communication with the British Council, offering project updates and support the project monitoring and evaluation 

Please note that the programme will be held in English and translation will not be available. 

We only consider applications that are completed in accordance with the programme requirements (see How to apply).

How to apply

Applicants are asked to complete and submit an online application form or submit a 3 min video answering the following questions:  

  • Please tell us why you want to be a part of the programme, how you think it will benefit your creative practice and how it will benefit your city and the arts sector in your country. 
  • Please give us a case study of the kind of project you would like to develop should support and funding be available. Provide details about the project and why it is an important project to realise now. 

Deadline for submitting online applications or video - November 12, 23.59 pm local time.


Applications will be assessed by an evaluation panel formed of representation from the British Council and Curated Place.  

The panel will assess applications based on the applicant’s eligibility and the quality of information provided in the application form. In your application it is important to clearly express why you are interested in the programme and how you think this programme will help you to contribute to the development of the cultural and creative industries in your country.  

We particularly welcome and encourage applications from candidates with diverse experiences, different nationalities, and social / cultural backgrounds to ensure we have a balanced cohort of participants. For more information, please read our Equality Global Policy Statement  and Anti-racism Action Plan .  

The applications completed and submitted by the application deadline November 12, 23.59 pm local time will be taken into consideration by the evaluation panel.  

Following the selection process, the British Council may conduct an interview with short-listed programme candidates.  

The successful applicants will be contacted by email by November 25.  

Due to the volume of applications, we will not be able to provide feedback on unsuccessful applications.

Key dates

  • Deadline for applications: 12 November 2023 
  • Online interviews with shortlisted applicants: 16 – 18 November 2023 
  • Successful candidates notified: 25 November 2023 
  • Online learning programme: 15 - 19 January 2024  
  • Offline learning programme in Albania, 4 – 8 March 2024 
  • Selected participants visit the UK: July 2024

About Curated Place

Creative Producers programme will be facilitated by Curated Place

Curated Place is an arts-led creative production company specialising in international public programmes, large scale public installations, original commissions, artist development, music strategy, event, and sustainable production delivery. 

For more information about the project, eligibility and criteria please contact