Boosting graduate prospects

Through this programme, we want to build long-term partnerships, bring about real change and help people, especially women and girls, to enhance their skills, knowledge and increase their potential to thrive and grow in a global job market.

Our deep understanding of the local context, across a wide range of international educational systems, enables us to connect people to share experiences and best practice in order to boost graduate employability.

Our work contributes to education policy development and helps to build stronger education systems in Kazakhstan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkey, Ukraine and Uzbekistan.


  • English in higher education: We want to improve the provision of English in higher education, and English as a medium of instruction. Our aim is to enable more graduates to engage in international trade and create better international research collaborations. 

  • Quality in teaching: We want to enhance the quality of teaching and learning in higher education. Quality assurance is essential for building and maintaining standards. We will work with institutions to raise teaching standards, develop their strategies and build centres of excellence.

  • Graduate employability: Access to higher education doesn’t necessarily mean unemployment levels are going to drop. We need to ensure that students bring the relevant skillset to the job market and meets the demands of 21st-century societies.

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