In February 2018 in Bishkek UK-Kyrgyzstan Universities Forum on Internationalising Higher Education was organised for the first time. The forum was organized by the British Council with support from the British Embassy in Kyrgyzstan. The goal of the forum was to identify opportunities and challenges of higher education in Kyrgyzstan, to share experience and skills on building international partnerships and to discuss areas for cooperation between higher education institutions in Kyrgyzstan and UK.
Representatives of leading UK and Kyrgyzstan universities took part in the forum. During the event participants learned about key priorities of British universities for building international partnerships, agreed on priories of internationalising higher education in Kyrgyzstan and established contacts for further cooperation. As part of the forum, participants discussed the topic of preparing the future generation of professionals and mechanisms required for building international cooperation in the area of education.
As a result of these discussions, a set of recommendations was developed to develop partnerships between universities of the UK and Kyrgyzstan.
UK-Kyrgyzstan Universities Forum was organised as part of the British Council global programme on internationalising higher education. The goal of the programme is to support positive changes on the global level through the influence of higher education, policy dialogue and research. The programme includes providing support for building international links to bring mutual benefits to the UK and other countries and for promoting economic and social development.